

The Lighting Design of a Restaurant


Light is one of the most important elements in the design of a restaurant, it can characterise a space, guide customers and create an atmosphere that facilitates some behaviours rather than others, such as adjusting the tone of voice: a softer light instinctively leads to a quieter volume of voice.
There is no standard project, because every restaurant is a different place, but there are some general indications to consider in order to have the best lighting design: let's see some of them.



Restaurant “Il Vizio” - Milan


Each light has its own function

A restaurant has many different types of spaces and it is important that each one is illuminated according to its function. For example, the kitchen will need more functional lighting while on the tables it is possible to play with more decorative luminaires that contribute to make the environment unique.
Applying different layers of light is important to characterise and recognise each space.



Restaurant “Il Vizio” - Milan


Light guides you

Light in a restaurant is also important for guiding customers and showing them how to move around the space by directing their attention to different focal points in different areas: at a counter without seating, light can show customers where to stand.


Different lighting at different times of the day

In restaurants servingduring the whole day, it is important to differentiate the lighting according to the time because both the type of customer and the atmosphere expected change. The installation of a domotic system will provide dynamic lighting that can create different scenarios for each moment of the day. Dimming, together with the possibility of varying the temperature of the light, personalises the atmosphere and makes it unique.




Comfort above all

In designing the lighting of a restaurant it is also fundamental to ensure a certain level of visual comfort to the customers. This means providing the right level of light so that the menu can be read without difficulty and avoiding annoying light reflections due to reflective surfaces .




Some ideas for lighting the counter

The lighting of a restaurant counter is one of the details to which appropriate attention should be paid.
One of the most popular solutions for lighting a restaurant counter is to use pendant lamps. They can catch the eye, define a small area within a larger space and support orientation in entrance areas. The low height of the light point also creates a reserved atmosphere.
Another way of lighting a counter is to use a  linear lighting system, which provides a more homogeneous light.
Overmore indirect lighting can be generated by luminaires with a light component directed towards the ceiling. Illuminated ceilings in the reception counter area emphasise its location in the room and facilitate orientation.








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