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New trends: Tiny Houses and how to illuminate them

In the last years, our "traditional" way of living has been increasingly questioned. One of these trends is represented by Tiny Houses, very small houses that can be both stationary and mobile...

Lighting Design of a Theatre

The lighting design of a theatre is very complex because of the many spaces inside it, each requiring different technical and scenic solutions. The designer's focus is on the audience, to whom he must communicate through the light not how to find their way around, but also a positive experience to be remembered even after the performance.

The Lighting Design of a Restaurant

The Light is one of the most important elements in the design of a restaurant, it can characterise a space, guide customers and create an atmosphere that facilitates some behaviours rather than others. There is no standard project, because every restaurant is a different place, but there are some general indications to consider in order to have the best lighting design: let's see some of them.

Lighting the Office: the Pillet SA project

Pillet offers quality services in the field of real estate development and general contracting. A reality involving different types of professionalism: from civil engineers to architects and geotechnicians. The client’s requirement was to give a new image to their existing offices, making the space more livable and creating a more comfortable atmosphere: integrating aesthetic elements into the original industrial structure. The theme was: freeing up space and making the environment more pleasant and enjoyable.

Lighting Design of the new Office

In the last year there has been a major change in the way we work; a change that will necessarily be reflected in the architectural design of the office spaces.

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Safety and Garden Illumination

Safety and Garden Illumination

The importance of good garden lighting is not just limited to aesthetics and visual comfort; safety is another crucial aspect that sometimes can be overlooked. In this blog, we will explore how to design garden lighting with a focus on safety.

Lighting for Gardens and Outdoor Areas: Turn Your Space into a Unique Experience

Lighting for Gardens and Outdoor Areas: Turn Your Space into a Unique Experience

Your garden can become a magical setting for various activities: hosting elegant dinners, enjoying casual get-togethers, having a delightful picnic with portable lamps casting a gentle glow, or even sipping cocktails by the pool.

Lighting for Dining: a mix of aesthetics and functionality

Lighting for Dining: a mix of aesthetics and functionality

Lighting in a restaurant adds style to the ambiance and plays a role in the customer experience. Various studies show that appropriate lighting increases dwell time, appetite, and inclination to consume food and drink.

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